Hello! I am Jérémie Boudreault, a PhD student-researcher at the National institute of scientific research of Quebec (INRS), and a lecturer at Laval University.

My research focuses on modelling the health, economic and environmental impacts of climate hazards such as extreme heat and flooding. To that end, I leverage both novel statistical models and AI/machine learning approaches. Prior to my PhD, I worked for several years as a research scientist in climate risk modelling. My current and past projects are available here.

🚨 Hiring: I am currently looking for students to join our team to pursue a master’s degree (M. Sc.) in climate-health or data science. More information available below:


About me

  • 2021- : Ph. D., Data science and environmental health, INRS
  • 2025-: Lecturer, Laval University
  • 2024: Research intership abroad, BCCDC and University of British Columbia
  • 2019-2022 : Research scientist, Climate risk modelling, The Co-operators
  • 2016-2018 : M. Sc., Statistical hydrology, INRS
  • 2013-2016 : B. Sc., Actuarial science, Laval University

Full CV available here.
