- 2021-, Ph. D., Data science and environmental health, INRS
- 2018, M. Sc., Statistical hydrology, INRS
- 2016, B. Sc., Actuarial science, Laval University
Work experience
- 2024 : Research internship abroad
- BC Centre for Disease Control & University of British Columbia (UBC)
- 2022-2023 : Research internship - Health system impact fellowship (HSIF)
- Climate change and health, Quebec National Institute of Public Health (INSPQ)
- 2019-2022 : Research scientist in climate risk modelling
- Climatic Hazards and Advanced Risk Modelling, The Co-operators
- 2014-2015: Actuarial intern
- Actuarial pricing (2014), BI & Special projects (2015), SSQ General Insurance
Main awards and scholarships
- 2022- : Vanier Canada Graduate scholarship, NSERC (150 000$)
- 2022- : Real-Decoste Excellence scholarship, Ouranos (60 000$)
- 2022 : Health System Impact Fellowship - Equitable AI stream, CIHR (50 000$)
- 2022 : Canada Graduate scholarship - Doctoral, NSERC (105 000$) [Declined]
- 2022 : Doctoral Research scholarship, FRQNT (84 000$) [Declined]
- 2021 : Student Research scholarship, INSPQ (14 000$)
- 2019 : Honor Roll of the Director of Research and Academic Affairs, INRS (0$)
- 2018 : Ken Thompson award, CWRA (2000$)
- 2017 : Canada Graduate scholarship - Master, NSERC (17 500$)
- 2016 : Claude-Dussault award, Laval University (3 000$)
- 2016 : André Darveau award, Laval University (2 000$)
- 2013 : Medal of the general board, Cegep de Chicoutimi (500$)
Curreny social involvement
- 2024- : Chairman of data science seminars at the Water, Earth and Environment Research Center, INRS
- 2023- : Member, Institutional committee for sustainable development of INRS
- 2023- : Reviewer of scientific papers for Environmental Health Perspectives, Epidemiology, Sustainable Cities and Society, Nature Scientific Reports, Environmental Research Letters, Environmental Research: Health, BMJ Open, etc.
- 2021- : Treasurer and project manager, 490 Green Comittee
Teaching experience